Welcome to the Avondale High School Band Program

The Avondale High School Band Program provides the opportunity for students to explore, develop and refine their talents as strong instrumentalists and well-rounded musicians in a nurturing performance-based environment. The program features several ensembles including the Yellow Jacket Marching Band, concert ensembles, chamber ensembles, a pit orchestra and more.

Upcoming Band Events

February 27
MS - Band Festival
MS - Band Festival
Date: Feb 27
Calendar: Avondale Band Activities
February 28
MS - Band Festival
MS - Band Festival
Date: Feb 28
Calendar: Avondale Band Activities
March 1
MS - Band Festival
MS - Band Festival
Date: Mar 1
Calendar: Avondale Band Activities
March 3
Band Booster Meeting
7:00 PM
Band Booster Meeting
Date: Mar 3
Time: 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Calendar: Avondale Band Activities
March 6
HS - Band Festival
HS - Band Festival
Date: Mar 6
Calendar: Avondale Band Activities
March 7
HS - Band Festival
HS - Band Festival
Date: Mar 7
Calendar: Avondale Band Activities


Michael Hejka
Director of Bands

Marching Band Awards

2022 - Division I Rating at MSBOA Marching Band Festival

- Division I Rating at MSBOA Marching Band Festival

- Division I rating at MSBOA Marching Band Festival

2019 - 1st Place in Class A at the Pontiac Invitational

2018 - Division II rating at MSBOA Marching Band Festival

- 1st Place in Class A at the Pontiac Invitational

Band Programs

Yellow Jacket Marching Band

During the first semester, the Concert and Symphonic Bands combine to perform as the Avondale Yellow Jacket Marching Band (YJMB). The YJMB performs at Scholastic Marching Band competitions, during Avondale home football games, in the Avondale Homecoming Parade, holiday parades, and other school and community functions. 

All students enrolled in the AHS Band Program participate in the YJMB, which begins rehearsals during the summer. Non-band students may audition for the YJMB Color Guard with permission of the director and color guard instructor.

AHS Wind Ensemble

The AHS Wind Ensemble is a highly select, one player part ensemble that will focus on highly advanced high school and early collegiate literature. Placement in this ensemble is by audition only and will be highly limited in number. Members of the AHS Wind Ensemble are required to participate in Solo and Ensemble as well as assigned chamber ensembles throughout the school year. 

Participation in MSBOA All-State Auditions is highly encouraged. Wind Ensemble members will play a minimum of 7-8 performances in addition to marching band performances. Intense individual and section work outside of class is expected and required for adequate preparation in this class.

AHS Symphonic Band

The AHS Symphony Band is designed for high school band students in grades 9-12. They perform a variety of high school level literature and focus on the skills and fundamentals necessary for successful performance in a high school instrumental ensemble. Symphony Band performs at a minimum of five concerts throughout the year, and members are highly encouraged to participate in MSBOA Solo and Ensemble and are able to audition for MSBOA All State Band. 

Previous participation in the Avondale Band program (AMS or AHS) or an audition are required for participation in the AHS Symphony Band. This ensemble also performs as part of the Yellow Jacket Marching Band. All students must have prior instrumental experience and are expected to be able to read music and have a basic understanding of music theory.

AHS Jazz Band

The AHS Jazz Band is a traditional big band that performs concerts throughout the community. This is an after-school ensemble which meets Monday and Friday from 3:30pm-5:15pm. 

Instrumentation in the Jazz Band is limited to saxophone, trumpet, trombone (euphonium with permission), piano, guitar, bass, drums/auxiliary percussion, and vibraphone. Spots may be limited based on instrumentation needs and preference will be given to students who are regular members of the Avondale Band program.

AHS Pep Band

AHS Pit Orchestra

AHS Flute Choir

AHS Percussion Ensemble

AHS Chamber Ensemble

Information & Resources

Metronome Online

An online metronome ideal for quick and easy use while practicing music. This music tool helps with your rhythm as well as tempo selections, and it is always available for free to all students of music.

Visit Metronome Online

Music Theory.net

An online source with lessons, study tools and activities that include beginning through advanced music theory concepts.

Visit Music Theory.net

Staff Wars

A game designed to help beginning and intermediate musicians learn, practice, and woodshed the note names of the treble, alto, and bass clefs.

Staff Wars iOS Staff Wars Android


A terrific app for High School band members and our band boosters to receive communications in one place, quickly and efficiently.

About BAND App

Music Racer

Perfect game for drilling note names, fingerings, and music terminology.

Play Music Racer

Music Intervals Game

Hone your music theory abilities with this great game!

Play Music Intervals