Elementary Education The Road to the Future
R. Grant Graham Elementary serves grades K-5 within the Avondale School District. These years are a critical time for discovery, and we believe they set the stage for a lifetime of learning.We strive to develop positive social, emotional, intellectual, and physical skills within each student to teach them not only fundamental concepts and skills, but also how to use what they learn and to love learning. At R. Grant Graham, we provide a positive, supportive, inclusive environment that enables our students to be confident in their abilities, excited to learn, and motivated to do their best. There is no better reward than seeing our students succeed.

R. Grant Graham Elementary
School Day: 8:32 AM - 3:39 PM
Half Day Dismissal: 11:45 AM
Early Release Dismissal: 1:35 PM
Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM

R. Grant Graham 4th Graders Host Annual All School Election
Students in Mr. Novak's 4th grade class at R. Grant Graham Elementary School hosted their annual All School Election for the Best All Time US President!
The class covered all areas of an election. Each student did a report in first person point of view on a US President, then gave speeches as to why they are the Best President Ever! The class hosted a Primary Election to determine the final three candidates - James K. Polk, George W. Bush, and Theodore Roosevelt. Those three have been campaigning and giving speeches since. Each candidate was also able to choose a Vice President, an Advisor, and a Press Secretary.
The class even learned about and implemented the Electoral College. They did this simply by assigning each classroom a certain amount of Electoral Votes according to their "population".Students, staff, and district administrators all had the opportunity to vote. Once all votes had been accounted for, it was announced that the winner was George W. Bush!
Great job to the students and staff, and thank you to all who voted!
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Our Mission
To provide instruction and support to meet the academic, social/emotional, and physical needs of all students. To work in partnership with families and community members to provide opportunities for student growth beyond the classroom.
Avondale School District's elementary curriculum provides our students with the lessons and skills they need to successfully progress on their educational journey, while also providing the appropriate support for their learning style and level. Our curriculum aligns with the current National and State Standards, while engaging students with inventive teaching techniques in literacy, science, social studies, and mathematics. We employ technology in the classroom and in the computer labs to enhance the learning experience. To learn more about each grade level curriculum, click the button below.
The Road to the Future
Avondale K-5 Career Development
Students begin to develop ideas about jobs and the world of work at a young age, but they only know what they have seen or experienced. Often, this is a very limited view. At the elementary schools, it is our mission to help students dive in to all 6 Michigan Career Clusters and be exposed to a multitude of possible careers. We have created many intentional activities and events that are completed throughout the year.
Elementary Activities & Events
- K-5 Job of the Week (174 covered in 6 years)
- K-5 "Careers in a Box" Career Cluster lessons available to all teachers
- 2nd grade Career Booklets completed throughout the year, sent home in May as a great keepsake!
- 3rd-5th grade Monthly Career Journal starters
- 4th grade STEMi visit showcasing jobs in STEM
- District-Wide 5th Grade Career Day
- District-Wide K-5 Future Focus Day
- K-5 Xello-Fun online Career Activities