Avondale SKILL

Students studying

Avondale SKILL - Successful Keys for Independent Living and Learning

Avondale SKILL is an adult transition life skills program serving residents of the Avondale School District with developmental or cognitive disabilities who are 18 to 26 years of age. The program focuses on helping students build vocational, social, and independent living skills, as well as assisting them as they learn to utilize community resources. Activities and lessons take place in the classroom, at job sites, and in the community; facilitated by a team of teachers, paraprofessionals, job coaches, and the adult transition facilitator.

Avondale Skill Program building

Avondale SKILL Program

1435 W. Auburn Road Rochester Hills, MI 48326

Main Office: (248) 537-6440

SCHOOL DAY: 7:10 AM - 1:40 PM

Susan Jackson

Adult Transition Facilitator

Megan Stockman


Kaitlyn Vogt


Focus Areas

Daily Living Skills

Students increase their independence by practicing daily living skills in and outside the classroom.

  • Functional Math: Students practice money management, shopping, cooking and measuring, and time management.
  • Functional Literacy: Students fill out job applications. They also practice reading street signs, menus, food labels, instructions, schedules, and calendars.
  • Community Exploration and Safety: Students learn about transportation options, recreational activities, shopping, and eating. They also practice crosswalk, street, and parking lot safety. 
  • Communication: Students practice socializing with peers, people in the community, doctors, and employers. They also learn about self-advocacy, decision making, and problem solving.
  • Functional based curriculum programs used at SKILL include:
    • Daily Living: Unique Learning System (n2y), and Bankaroo.
    • Cooking: Look N Cook
    • Current Events: CNN 10 Lester Holt: Kids Edition

Vocational Training

Students experience job training opportunities in and out of the classroom.

  • Work Based Learning (WBL): SKILL students experience a variety of entry level job skills through training ad local businesses while working along-side paid employees.
  • In-house Vocational Training: Students gain job skills in the school setting working on job tasks provided by local business partners.
  • PAES (Practical Assessment Exploration System) Lab: This lab offers over 300 entry-level job tasks students can experience. Students discover not only what they like to do, but what they are good at doing.

Community Base Instruction (CBI)

Students explore the local community

  • Recreation: Free of low-cost opportunities include mall walking, bowling, and working out at Retro Fitness. Students also learn how to utilize local parks, community centers, and libraries.
  • Shopping: Students are encouraged to purchase personal items, like deodorant, shampoo, and food. Students also shop for their own lunch ingredients, which they prepare at SKILL. Students practice cost and brand comparison.
  • Restaurants: Students learn to understand menu options, practice ordering, paying, and calculating tax/top. Students also practice social skills in a real restaurant setting. 
  • Socialization: Students practice interacting with peers, establishment employees, and others while in the community.
  • Volunteering: Students volunteer with Blessings-in-a-Backpack, American House, and Avondale Youth Assistance.

Information & Resources

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